What does it mean to wait? The world moves around you, the sun goes down, seasons come and go, and winter follows the fall with its dreamy grace. Rain falls steady and soft, everything transitions slowly, but the motion of change never falters. Mother earth herself turns in one direction and always onward; everywhere, except in your own life.
As you wait your mind does not stop thinking; you are angry and bitter, lonely and abandoned. You wake up in the morning and put a smile on your face the same way you put on your socks before you head out.
I Was Younger Yesterday looks at the lives of Ammar, Lyla, Rahmin, Hafsa, Chaman, and Ammar, who have had their refugee status denied by The Netherlands, and are fighting the threat of deportation. As a result, they live in limbo, stuck between borders; unable to return home and incapable to build up a new life here in The Netherlands.